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Minggu, 15 Agustus 2010

download swf

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embed allowfullscreen="true" allowscriptaccess="always" flashvars="" height="300" src="" width="200">

Senin, 09 Agustus 2010

How To Download and Play Kongregate Games Offline is one of the largest destinations for Flash games – claiming to have a library of over 15,000 available games. This library, while readily accessible on the Internet, has no offline alternative – and even with Aibek’s tips on downloading flash games, Kongregate stumps us all.
There seemed to be no way to play Kongregate games offline. Until now.
We’re going to show you how to download Kongregate games and play them locally on your computer.
This tutorial requires Firefox with the Live HTTP Headers addon. Get them before moving on.
Download Kongregate Games
1. Open up Firefox and head over to Kongregate. Click Tools > Live HTTP Headers. In the resulting window, switch to the Generator tab. Check request and uncheck images and CSS on the right side. Make sure Capture is checked at the bottom.

2.Load game you want to download, and watch the Live HTTP Headers window fill with entries. Uncheck Capture when the game starts to load (or you’ll be bogged down with a large number of irrelevant entries). Look for the following pattern:
#request# GET[numbers]/[numbers]/live/[game-name].swf?kongregate_game_version=[numbers]
For our example, we’re going to use the Little Wheel game. Our entry appeared like this:
#request# GET

3.Right click and Copy the entry.
Paste it into Firefox, remove #request# GET from the URL, and when the page loads you should be greeted by the Flash game filling the whole window. Hit File > Save Page As and select a location to download. It should save as a swf file.
Playing the Game

Head over to where you saved the Flash game and Open With… > Mozilla Firefox. There are two possible outcomes:

1. The game opens fine and perfectly. You’re at the end of the article. This is the case with Little Wheel.
2. The game opens, but the game doesn’t work or a message displays telling you to go to Kongregate. You’ll need to follow the next part of the tutorial, which requires XAMPP. XAMPP will emulate a web site so we can trick the Flash game into believing it’s operating on In the video tutorial below, we’ve used the Fantastic Contraption game, which doesn’t work without this following step.

The Workaround

1. Grab the Self Extracting ZIP Archive from the XAMPP download page. Double-click the extractor, and let it place the files at C: (it’ll create a folder called “xampp” automatically). Don’t be creative with the path, by sticking to a top level folder you skip a step.
2. Head into C:\xampp\htdocs and create a folder called
3. Move the Flash game file (swf) into the newly created folder (C:xampp\htdocs\
Run C:\xampp\xampp-control.exe and fire up the Apache server by clicking Start next to where it says Apache. It should say Running once you click it, as seen in the screenshot below
5. Direct your browser to http://localhost/ You’ll be greeted by minimalistic list of files in the directory. Click on the Flash game you put into the folder. If all goes well, it should work perfectly – the game should fill up the Firefox window.

To further clarify the steps above, I’ve prepared a short video tutorial:

That’s it for saving Kongregate games to your computer and playing offline. If you have any questions or aware of any easier way to download Kongregate games, feel free to tell us your thoughts in the comments below.

For more post on flash games, check out:
4 Web Flash Games to Kick-Start your Brain
The Best Online Flash Games – Cute Flash Games For All

Minggu, 08 Agustus 2010

How To Download and Play Flash Games Offline

1. Download Flash Games
Downloading flash games to your PC is a fairly easy process and there are lots of ways to do it. One way to get the game file is to look inside the page’s source code and find the direct link to the game file on the site. Another option is to wait for the game to load in your browser and later get it from the temporary files folder of your browser. Or you can just go to the site called File2HD and let it get the game file for you. We have already featured it earlier as a MP3 and video download tool for Myspace.

File2HD can help you download flash games from most of the online gaming sites. That being said, it doesn’t work with Kongregate, one of the best sites for Flash games. Althou I had no problems getting flash games from hugely popular sites like AddictiveGames.

So how does it work:
1. Go to the page with the flash game you want to download.
2. Copy the page URL and paste it into File2HD.
3. Set ‘Filter’ to ‘Objects’ option and click on ‘Get Files’ button.
4. Next, File2HD should retrieve the direct link to the game file.
5. Right click on the link an use ‘Save Link As’ option to save the game to your computer.

2. Play Flash Games Offline
Once you have the game files on your system you can use a simple freeware program called FlashOffliner (Windows only) to take those raw .swf flash files, turn them into playable games, and neatly organize them under one menu.
Here are the steps you need to do:
1. Download and Install FlashOffliner.
Flash Offliner
The FlashOffliner setup comes with 2 games by default and 3 more that can be added later. If you want to install them as well then check step 4.

2. Once you have FlashOffliner up and running, you should see a new icon in the taskbar. Right click on the icon to see the list of available games and program options.

games offline

3. It takes two steps to add a downloaded flash game to your FlashOffliner games list. The first thing you need to do is click on the ‘Create New Flash Offliner Package’ and then point it to the downloaded file. Then you will be asked to name your new game and for a couple of more optional details. At the end it should create game_name.fop file for you.

4. Again right click on the FlashOffliner icon and this time select the ‘Install FlashOffliner Option’. Point the app to the newly created game_name.fop file to “install” the game.

5. This will install the game and add it to your FlashOffliner games. See screenshot below.

Flash Offliner - flash games offline

That’s about it, now you can simply click on the game of your choice and play it offline right on your desktop. By default the game window size is set to 800×600 but you can easily resize it to 400×300, 640×480, 1024×768 or Full Screen mode.
Now that you know how to take flash games offline check out our short post on best online flash games.

Did you try downloading flash games to your computer before? Do you have anything to add to the above guide? Share your tips and thoughts in comments.

Rabu, 04 Agustus 2010

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