Unnoticed, Microsoft Words that are word-processing program (word processor) output of Microsoft since year 1982 (when it was WordStar name) has quite mastered the day-to-day computer users, and especially user word processor in particular.
Program pengolah kata yang bisa didapat. there are many word processing programs that can be obtained with cheap, or even free of charge (free).
Beberapa program pengolah kata (word processor) yang bisa Anda coba antara lain adalah:
Some word processing programs (word processor) that you could try include:
Open Office Writer
Program pengolah kata (open source) yang juga support file-file Microsoft yang dikeluarkan oleh OpenOffice.Org. Word processing program (open source) which also supports Microsoft files released by OpenOffice.Org.
Google Docs
Ini merupakan program pengolah kata (word processor), spreadsheet, presentasi dan pembuatan form gratis keluaran Google. This is the word processing program (word processor), spreadsheets, presentations, and making free form the output of Google. Sayangnya, versi ini merupakan versi online, alias Anda harus terhubung dengan internet untuk menggunakannya. Unfortunately, this version is the online version, aka You must be connected to the internet to use it.
Program lainnya adalah AbiWord, program pengolah kata (word processor) keluaran AbiSource. The other program is AbiWord, a word processing program (word processor) AbiSource output.
Bean adalah (OS - X Apple Macintosh) program pengolah kata (word processor) yang ringan dan mudah digunakan dengan tujuan perancangan untuk kemudahan, efisiensi dan tepat guna. Bean is a word processing program (word processor), which is light and easy to use with the aim of design for easy, efficient and useful
Program pengolah kata tingkat lanjut keluaran LyX. Advanced word processing programs LyX output.
Buzzword saat ini merupakan pengolah kata yang bersifat online yang berbasis Flash. Buzzword today is an online word processor that is based on Flash. Maklumlah, karena Buzzword ini termasuk keluaran Adobe yang juga pemilik Flash. It's known, because it includes output buzzword is also the owner of Adobe Flash. Dimasa mendatang, Buzzword akan dibuat juga versi offlinenya. In the future, will be made also buzzword offlinenya version.
TextMaker adalah program pengolah kata (word processor) yang kompatible dengan Microsoft Word yang kecil tapi padat. TextMaker is a word processing program (word processor) that is compatible with Microsoft Word's small but solid.
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